
Puffin party game
Puffin party game

puffin party game

The default page that opens is the mobile variant.


While the server is running, a page refresh is enough to account for any code changes. Even though the game was not developed with reusability and code quality in mind, the open source release of this game aims to give back to the Phaser community and may provide one or the other inspiration to fellow developers. The underlying game framework Phaser made rapid-iteration development a reality and the game would not have existed without it. Even though some of that may have provided extra educational value it was not deemed worth the effort since it would have been hard to test and was partly based on custom patched versions of some Cordova plugins. For this open source release the code base has been stripped off of any app store related parts, including the use of Cordova, simply to keep things simple. For Android, Cocoon was used as it provided better rendering performance compared to the default Chrome-based webview. The app store variant of the game made use of Cordova together with several plugins to support things like ads, analytics, scoreboards and achievements.

puffin party game

The idea of open sourcing was to provide some kind of long-term home for the game, if only to be able to say "Look, I did that!".


BackgroundĪ different ad-based variant of Hungry Puffin was originally published on Android and iOS app stores. On a desktop/laptop you can also use the spacebar if you prefer. The whole game is controlled with a single action, depending on your device either by tapping or clicking anywhere on the game area. If your oxygen runs out, you will loose control and automatically float to the sea surface. Your oxygen levels reduce while you are in the sea and replenish when you are above water. Flying is faster than diving or floating. If you are diving, then let yourself float upwards to start flying again. When flying, to start diving you need to drop down from a certain minimum height to reach enough speed. The more points you have - meaning the more you've eaten - the heavier you will become and the harder it will be to move. You gain points by eating flies above water or sandeels in the sea. If your points drop below zero, you will also die. Seagulls reduce your points while sharks instantly kill you. The further you progress, the tougher your enemies will behave. There are two types of enemies you should avoid: seagulls and sharks. The goal of the game is to reach the island with as many points as possible. By doing this you avoid that anything is cutoff at the top or bottom. TIP: On smallish laptops, use the desktop version and enter fullscreen mode by pressing F11. Play now: mobile version or desktop version

Puffin party game